Moretown Voters,
Pre-Town Meeting is just around the corner! Join your neighbors and ask your questions! Hear from your Select Board all about the town budget and priorities for Moretown – Tuesday, February 18, 6:00 PM at the Moretown Elementary School cafeteria.
Mark your calendars! Town Meeting is at 4:00 PM on Tuesday, March 4 in the Moretown Elementary School Gym. The new time makes it more convenient for you to attend. Face to face democracy is your right in Vermont! Town Meeting is its celebration.
Child-care will be provided from 3:45 – 6:15 PM on Tuesday, March 4! So that we have enough staff, please sign up here for child-care:
Town Meeting Day Childcare Interest Form
Plan to join your neighbors for the Town Meeting Potluck Dinner – bring your favorite dish!
Please sign up to bring a dish here:
Have an hour to spare? Ready to volunteer with preparations and set-up? Contact Karen Horn at

Snow Plowing on to Roadways: To all private snow plow residents & contractors, please be advised that depositing snow by blowing or plowing onto the traveled way, shoulder, or sidewalk of a class 1, 2 or 3 town highway violates the Vermont Statutes Annotated in Title 19, Section 1105 and Title 23, Section 1126a. Depositing snow onto any highway results in increased maintenance costs and may result in a highway accident. When snow is blown or plowed across the highway, it may cause slippery conditions or snow berms that in turn could cause an accident. Private parties who violate this statute will be given a warning by letter from the Select Board. Further violations may result in the issuance of a traffic ticket which carries a $50 waiver penalty or civil action may be brought under Section 1105 which carries a fine not to exceed $1,000 plus costs.
In addition to throwing snow in roadways, the Town would like to remind people about the winter parking ban. The Town reserves the right to tow vehicles that are parked in the roadway. Please keep vehicles in driveways or park in the community parking to keep all safe and out of harms way.
Please be courteous and respectful to our highway department crew, they are trying to do their jobs to keep the roads as safe as possible year-round.
Many thanks from the Town of Moretown Select Board
Thank You Community Potluck
We invite the community to come together Thursday, August 22nd, 5-7pm at the Town Hall for a potluck in appreciation of our road crew and town office staff who have spent many extra hours and energy during the flooding events last month and really over the last year. Please consider bringing a dish to share, along with your own plates, cups and utensils. We hope to see you there for good food and conversation with friends and neighbors!

John “Hoogie” Hoogenboom
June 12, 2024
The Waterbury Rotary donated a tree to MES, and this year the school wanted to have it dedicated to John for his community service. Members of the Rotary, MES and the Town were present to have this tree dedicated to John as a surprise. He was all smiles! Thank you to his lovely wife, Ruth, for getting him to the event behind the Town Office.

Moretown Town Hall Committee
The Moretown Town Hall Committee is active in envisioning a broader scope of use and modernization of our town hall.
The Library is located in the town hall.
Declaration of Inclusion
“The Town of Moretown condemns racism and welcomes all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, age, or disability, and will protect these classes to the fullest extent of the law. As a town, we formally condemn discrimination in all of its forms and commit to fair and equal treatment of everyone in our community. The Town of Moretown has been and will continue to be a place where individuals can live freely and express their opinions.”
Adopted by the Moretown Selectboard 03/15/2021
The Town prohibits against parking in a public right-of-way begins on November 1st until April 30th the following year. Any vehicles parked along Town roads, within the right-of-way could be removed at the owner’s expense.
– Moretown Selectboard